Department of Philosophy & Religion
The Department of Philosophy and Religion (PHRE) is home to an exciting and innovative major for free thinkers. Together, we seek to make sense of a complex landscape of competing worldviews as they are lived in practice. We tackle bigquestionsabout how we should live, pursue justice, and makesense of ourselves in an interdisciplinarycommunity ofactivist scholars.
PHRE majors can study issues related toRace and Ethnicity, Justice, Human Rights, Gender and Sexuality, Art and Culture,and Environmental Sustainability. As a PHRE major, you can take classes in Existentialism or Death and Dying; Buddhism orZombies; Ethics or Aesthetics. In our Community and Careers course, you will build an intellectual community whilepreparing foryour professional life after Otterbein.You can join the editorial board of,our prestigious humanitiesjournal; intern with a local museum; and study abroad.
In a globalized planet full of clashes between religious and ethical worldviews, being able to navigate challengingconversations is an essential skill, and one that Philosophy and Religion majors will hone. Students will develop skills sothey can constructively navigate religious, racial, and ethnic difference: the ability to respectfully converse acrossdifferences of worldview and life experience and understanding those differences without being doctrinaire. Paying closeattention to historical and contemporary answers to life’s fundamental questions, a major in Philosophy and Religion givesstudents a deep understanding of the views of peoples from across the globe, and helps them develop their own answersalong the way.
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Ethics and Social Justice
This concentration will give students the toolsto understand what ethics and social justicerequires of them as individuals, members ofcommunities, and professionals; and to thinkacross and learn to navigate ethical difference.We cannot overestimate how important theseskills are, and the PHRE major is uniquelypositioned to deliver them, since we have faculty who are specifically trained in the field ofethics.

Philosophers seek wisdom by askingfundamental questions about what there is(metaphysics), what we can know(epistemology), what kinds of people we shouldbe (ethics), what is beauty (aesthetics), andhow we should reason (logic). A major inphilosophy will help students to develop criticalreading and thinking skills necessary to answersome ask and answer some of life’s mostdifficult questions.

The academic study of religion involves lookingat religious beliefs and practices in a careful,analytic, and objective manner, studying themin their own contexts, and recognizing religion’sintersections with class, gender, sexuality, race,and ethnicity, approaching our subject using thedisciplines of history, anthropology, sociology,psychology, and literature, among others.
Student, Faculty, & Alumni Spotlights
Department Features & Student Opportunities

Scholarships & Awards
The Department of Philosophy and Religion awards several endowed awards and book prizes to PHRE majors each year!

Design department programming. Work on your resume. Get internships. Our innovative, seminar-style Community & Careers class lets you build an intellectual community and engage in professional development.

Cultivate intellectual life in the humanities on the editorial staff of our journal Aegis. Shape rich conversations about art, culture, history, and justice for a 21st-century public.

Travel Opportunities
PHRE majors can travel to places like West Africa, Spain, Wales, and Italy. PHRE classes also visit local houses of worship, art museums, and even cemeteries to get a different perspective closer to home.

Invited Lectures
Engage with world renowned scholars and activists speaking on today’s hot button issues, like Eboo Patel, above. PHRE majors can even help to plan and organize on-campus visits for guest speakers.

Double Major
Combine your passions into a meaningful whole by double majoring. The major in Philosophy and religion is very flexible and easily integrated with another major, which many of our students do.
Religion & Philosophy Department News

National Media Recognize 㽶 for Programs and Values
News - September 18, 2023
㽶 has been collecting honors this fall, as it is recognized in national publications for its programs and values, including U.S. News & World Report, Colleges of Distinction, and Washington Monthly. US News & World Report 㽶 has been recognized by U.S. News & World Report for its academic excellence, commitment to undergraduate teaching, and focus on affordability, student success outcomes, and experiential learning. In the 2024 Best Colleges rankings by U.S. News & World Report, Otterbein has…
Fast Track Innovation Fund Lets Community Shape Otterbein’s Growth
News - July 31, 2023
㽶 is using an innovative approach to grow enrollment and revenue by “crowd sourcing” ideas from its own community and investing in the best ideas with $1 million approved by the Board of Trustees. Under the Fast Track Innovation Fund initiative, seven projects proposed by Otterbein faculty and staff in May have been funded and are already being implemented on campus. “This investment in Otterbein’s future demonstrates our trustees’ commitment to allowing every member of our community to be heard…
How is a Philosophy and Religion Major or Minor Perfect for a Future Doctor, Lawyer, Software Engineer, and More?
News - April 6, 2023
By Erica Bush ’25 When considering what major to study, many students choose one with a career in mind, so they may overlook a versatile degree like philosophy and religion. We asked Assistant Professor Alex Rocklin, Department of Philosophy and Religion, why students should consider studying philosophy and religion at Otterbein. What specific jobs are out in the market for people with an undergraduate degree in philosophy and religion? Career outcomes are so much more diverse than most people realize.…Programs of Study in Religion & Philosophy
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Westerville, OH 43081
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Patti Welch